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JLGC participation in " ENERGiZE JORDAN 2015 "

JLGC participation in " ENERGiZE JORDAN 2015 "

Wed,18 November 2015

Jordan Loan Guarantee Corp. (JLGC) participated in the forum under the title " Energize Jordan 2015" Pioneering Jordan Industries in Renewable Energy and the specialized exhibition held under the patronage of H.E. Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Ensour . The Forum organized by Jordan Chamber of Industry in coordination with Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, and in cooperation with the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on the 17 November, 2015 at Le Royal - Amman.

The Forum considered to be a positive start for energy and environmental sustainability, it also clarified the role of the Chambers of Industry and Business Organizations in educating the industrial sector about the importance of the use of renewable energy technology to raise awareness about the basis and methods of renewable and alternative energy use, and sharing the best local and international practices in this area.

Mrs. Amal Jaradat, Industrial Finance Department Manager at JLGC , participated as a speaker in the second session about " Financing Programs of the Banking Institutions for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Projects " moderated by JLGC Chairman H.E.Dr. Maher Al Sheikh Hasan, Deputy Governor , Central Bank of Jordan.  The session focused on the programs, services and frameworks provided by the Central Bank of Jordan which acts as an umbrella of the banking sector in order to encourage the banking institutions to work in this vital sector. The session also addressed the challenges that face the financing of energy and the main obstacles that face funds and the proposed solutions, it also highlighted the effectiveness of loan guarantee programs to stimulate small and medium sized projects to borrow in order to finance their energy projects.

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