Governor and Chairman of the Central Bank of Jordan and Chairman of JLGC Board of Directors
PhD in Financial Economics/University of New Orleans , USA, 2002.
Master in Financial Economics/ Yarmouk University , Jordan,1990.
Bachelor in Applied Statistics / Yarmouk University, Jordan, 1988.
Governor & Chairman of The Central Bank of Jordan, as of 10/1/2022.
Deputy Governor - The Central Bank of Jordan, UP TO 9/1/2022.
In February 1991, he started his career as an economic researcher in the Research Department at the Central Bank of Jordan.
He worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Finance at Alfred University in New York State, then he was promoted to Associate Professor at the same university later in 2006.
In 2006, he held the position of Head of the Monetary Affairs Division in the Research Department at the Central Bank of Jordan. In 2009, he was promoted to Deputy Director of the Research Department then promoted to Executive Director of the Research Department in late in 2011.
He had published many scientific papers in prestigious academic journals, including: “Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting”, “Banking and Finance Review” ، “Journal of Economics and Finance”, “International Journal of Applied Business and Economics”," International Journal of Economic Research".
He taught many economics and finance subjects for PhD, Master’s and Bachelor’s students in Jordanian universities.
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Phosphate Mines Company (2016-2021).
Chairman of the Credit Committee, Vice Chairman of the Investment Committee, Vice Chairman of the Human Resources Committee, and a member of the Information Technology Steering Committee at the Central Bank of Jordan.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Loan Guarantee Corp. (JLGC) since 3/2/ 2022
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Deposit Insurance
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the JOPACC
Head of the Financial Services Sector Team and member of the Coordinating Committee for Jordan 2025 Vision.
Chairman of the National Anti-Money Laundering Committee.
Chairman of the National Financial Inclusion Committee.
Member of the Jordanian National Payments Council.
Dr. Kamal Ghareeb Al-Bakri
Vice Chairman - Representative of Cairo Amman Bank
PhD in Philosophy of Bank Governance from the University of Salford, Manchester / UK 2023
Master's Degree in Management of International Banking and Finance from the University of Salford, Manchester / UK 2017.
Bachelor's Degree in law from the University of Jordan 1991.
Holds the title of Professor in Law.
General Manager of Cairo Amman Bank since 2008.
Former Deputy General Manager at Cairo Amman Bank.
Former Director of the Legal Department and Legal Adviser to Cairo Amman Bank.
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Loan Guarantee Company.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Express Tourist Transportation Company (JETT).
Board member of the Jordan Insurance Company.
Board member of National Real Estate Portfolio Securities.
Chairman of the Directors of Tamallak Leasing Company LLC.
Member of the Board of Directors of Al-Safa Bank (Islamic Bank) – Palestine.
Member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Jordan.
Vice Chairman at Network International / Jordan.
Former board member in many public and private joint stock companies working in various sectors such as tourism, education, industry and real estate development.
Former member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Science and Technology, Association of Banks Operating in Jordan, Institute of Banking Studies, Jordan Economic Dialogue Committee, Board of Directors of the Scientific Research and Innovation Fund.
H.E.Dr. Khaldoun Abd Allah AlWshah
Board Member - Deputy Governor Central Bank of Jordan
PhD in Finance / HULL University / UK 2009.
Master's in Scientific Research in Business Administration / HULL University / UK 2006
Master’s in Business Administration, Finance / University of Jordan 2000.
Bachelor’s in Economics / University of Mustansiriya / Iraq 1992.
Currently Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Jordan.
Executive Director / Open Market Operations and Public Debt Dept. in 2013.
Assistant Executive Director / Investments and Foreign Operations Dept. in 2012.
Head of External Loans and Grants Division / Investments and Foreign Operations Dept. in 2010.
Senior Economist / Open Market Operations and Public Debt Dept. in 2009.
Senior Financial Analyst/ External Loans and Grants Dept./ Investments and Foreign Operations Dept. in 2002.
Several Positions at the Central Bank of Jordan since 1994.
Member of the Board of Trustees of Al-Balqa Applied University
Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of Banking Studies
Member of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Payments and Clearing Company
Member of the Board of Directors of the Jordan Loan Guarantee Corporation
Member of the Investment Fund Management Committee - University of Jordan
Member of the National Cybersecurity Council
Part-time lecturer at many Jordanian universities
Chairmanship and membership of many committees inside and outside the Central Bank of Jordan
Expert and lecturer in international trade finance locally and regionally
Representative of Jordan and the Central Bank in many regional and international conferences
Mr. Hussein Ahmad Kofahi
Board Member - Representative of the Central Bank of Jordan
Master’s degree Banking and Financial Sciences / Arabic Institute of Banking Studies 1995
Bachelor degree Accounting /Al Yarmouk University 1987
Enhancing the opportunities for MSMEs to obtain appropriate credit by providing loan guarantee and enhancing Jordanian exports and domestic sales by providing credit insurance at sustainable basis.
Professional Commitment Integrity Empowerment Transparency Team Work   Social Responsibility Trust
إلى السادة مساهمي الشركة الاردنية لضمان القروض ش م ع
لحضور اجتماع الهيئة العامة العادي الحادي والثلاثون
قـــرر مجلس إدارة الشركة الاردنية لضمان القروض ش.م.ع دعوتكـم لحضور اجتمـاع الهيئـة العامـة العادي الحادي و الثلاثون الذي سيعقد في تمام الساعة التاسعة من صباح يوم الاثنين الموافق 2025/4/7 وذلك بواسطة وسيلة الاتصال المرئي والإلكتروني عملاً بتعليمات اعتماد الوسائل الالكترونية للاجراءات المتعلقة بالشركات والصادرة بالاستناد للمادة (6) من قانون الشركات رقم (22) لسنة 1997 وتعديلاته ، للنظر في الأمور المدرجة على جدول أعمال الاجتماع والمنشور على الموقع الإلكتروني للشركة.
يرجى من حضرات السادة المساهمين حضور الاجتماع المذكور في الموعد المعين بواسطة وسيلة الاتصال المرئي والإلكتروني من خلال الرابط الإلكتروني:
المنشور على الموقع الإلكتروني للشركة والمتضمن إجراءات الدخول للنظام الآلي وتسجيل الحضور أو إرسال التوكيل و/أو التفويض لحضور الاجتماع على البريد الالكتروني [email protected]